The Secrets of Question Based Selling!

On May 19th we hosted Thomas Freese, 6X best selling author of  The Secrets of Question Based Selling, who provided us with some incredible tips on how to build instant credibility, and open doors, with unresponsive prospects.  Tom shared his research on WHAT prospects needs to hear first to even give you a chance at their business, and HOW to angle your business, and ask the right questions, to build a long term relationship with the buyer.  How do you gain someone's trust when they don't know you?  How do you separate yourself from the competition if your sales pitch is the same as everyone else's?  We polled the audience to learn about what are our most successful strategies for selling swag and Tom gave us his ... "getting buyers to WANT TO SHARE with you" and that starts, and ends, with the right questions to ask.   

Below are 3 takeaways from our interview with Tom:

1.  PEOPLE RESPOND FOR 2 REASONS - Obligation (e.g. their bosses boss calls and says to respond) and Curiosity (by piquing their interest).  Focusing questions around curiosity will better position you to earn their trust, and get your foot in the door.  Ask questions that solve a problem for them, and that advance the buyers goals, wants and needs.  Tom gives several examples you can listen back to from the replay.   

2.  HELP YOUR BUYER SOLVE THEIR CHALLENGES & REACH THEIR GOALS - yes we are in the promo business and we sell products BUT the product is a means to an end for the buyer - it helps them accomplish their goals.  What you sell is not as important as HOW it helps the buyer solve their problems and objectives.  Ask questions that help you understand your buyers' goals and challenges, and then plug products in that help them, and you will win the business and client for the long haul.   Example:  "What are you trying to accomplish and How can I help you move forward"?

3.  CREATE MINI INVITATIONS - ask questions that showcase your experience, and expertise, to build credibility with a prospect.  Share real examples, once the door is open, that showcase your expertise and how you can help your accomplish their goals.  Example:  "Would you like to hear about an idea I do with other clients in your industry"?  Say what is true and showcase current and past projects you have done that tie into your prospects objectives.

Listen to Tom's entire interview below which includes a ton more examples of questions to ask, angles to take, and things to think about when pitching a prospect.  And if you want to really get some fantastic sales results, buy his book!  We have and it continues to pay dividends for our own promom distrubutorship and sales efforts.