Overcoming Adversity in your Business and Life!

On May 5th we hosted Bill Petrie, who got very real in sharing his own personal challenges in life, and the mindset he deployed to not only overcome, but forge ahead both personally and professionally.  How does one overcome getting fired from a job, losing a family member in an auto accident and having your spouse go into cardiac arrest, all within a 24 month period?  Bill shared with us how he did it, and some tips we can all deploy in our own lives and businesses.  

Below are 3 takeaways from our interview with Bill:

1.  MAKE PEACE WITH THE SITUATION - we can only control what we can control, so accept the external forces and situation you are presented with in life, and stay positive.  Things are never as bad, or good, as you think they may be, and the one thing you CAN control is your attitude.  Stay positive and fight off those "feeling sorry for yourself" moments so you can effectively deal with the situation at hand.   

2.  NEVER LOSE YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR - laughter brings joy and happiness.  Humor brings it back when you have lost your mojo.  Try and find humor in the little things (or big) in life to help you forge ahead when life throws you lemons.   

3.  BE TRANSPARENT - to whatever degree you feel comfortable, consider being more transparent with your family, friends and clients.  It's hard to keep telling a story that isn't authentic and isn't true to yourself.  Transparency fosters trust, moves you into the present, sets an honest tone for the work you are doing and makes you more human and approachable.  A winning recipe for building meaningful relationships in your life, and your business!  

Listen to Bill's entire interview below which not only shares his personal triumph's, but a few key nuggets on how to leverage content marketing and connect with your clients, and targeted prospects, in a non-salesy, non-threatening way.
