Small Group Coaching Recap: “How to Sell Company Stores”

Earlier this month we hosted our private SGC community workshop and discussed a topic that keeps on coming up amongst promo distributors … "How to Sell Company Stores"

We discussed angles to take, strategies to deploy and best practices for selling company stores to clients and prospects. It was a 2 hr non-stop session and we learned a ton. Here's a sampling from that workshop ...

One of the things we talked about was, how do you set up the store? What type of a technology do you use? Once sold, how do you scale the sales opportunity and turn it into a “mailbox money” account!

The main value you provide company stores:

You are solving operational and order processing pain points for your clients. You are providing a centralized, online, one-stop shop solution and putting budget, and brand controls in place.

You are helping your client solve their challenges and making their work lives easier and better! This will build loyalty and have them coming back to you again, and again, and again.

If you’re interested in learning more about topics like these, and joining an engaged community of promo distributors eager to help one another grow, consider joining our Small Group Coaching Workshop.

Sign up here: